When the created model shows irregularities, when artifacts interfere or distort proper diagnostic planning, when the occlusal plane is incorrect or when the overall visualization of the patient model needs to be improved, the patient model may be edited anytime. To do so, use one or more of the following methods:
— Use the Edit Patient action to adjust the VOI and isovalue.
— Patient Mask action: determine the region of interest for or clean up the created patient model by isolating a specific part to be shown, cutting a part off or adding specific parts to the model.
— Adjust level/window: use the level/window tool on the 3D viewer to adjust the range of the used transfer function. The model is adjusted in real time.
1. To start the action, click Edit Patient in the Create group on the Patient tab of the Planning toolbar.
2. The wizard is opened. Adjust the volume of interest as needed using the different 2D viewers.
3. Adjust the isovalue with the Isovalue slider in the 3D Viewer.
4. Click Next.
5. When needed, adjust the scanner orientation and set the occlusal plane using the sliders.
6. Make sure the correct jaw type was selected.
Caution If the wrong jaw type is selected, this may result in an incorrect visualization or orientation of the patient model in the reports. |
7. To further edit the model, do one of the following things:
— Select one of the possible next actions by clicking either Add Radiographic Guide, Add Dental Scan, or Patient Mask. The Edit Patient wizard is closed and the selected action is started.
The Edit Guide and the Edit Dental Scan actions are only enabled when no radiographic guide or dental scan have been created.
— Click Finish to close the Edit Patient wizard.