With the Scanner Orientation action, the orientation of the axial slices can be modified in order to correspond better with the patient’s anatomy. When the orientation of the patient scan is not optimal, correct it with the Scanner Orientation action.
To correct the horizontal position of the occlusal plane:
1. Click Scanner Orientation in the CT Editor group on the Patient tab.
2. The Scanner Orientation wizard is started.
3. Use the Rotation sliders in the lateral and/or frontal viewers to adjust the position of the patient.
4. Adjust the position of the occlusal plane using the vertical slider between the lateral and the frontal viewer.
5. Choose Finish to save the changes and close the wizard.
The grid is a useful aid to position the model as horizontally as possible.
To reset the patient to the initial position, click Reset patient position . The model returns to its originally scanned position.
To hide the guide, the dental scan, or the wax-up in the Scanner Orientation wizard, click the visibility icon in the Visibility Settings section to hide the object. When the object is hidden, an empty square is displayed. Click this square to display the object again. Alternatively, press [H] on the keyboard to toggle.
This action is only enabled when a guide, dental scan, or wax-up was created for the model.