Erase bone artifacts action

When artifacts interfere with the view of the patient model, the user may remove artifacts to allow for optimal diagnostic review and planning.

The adjustments are applied to the mask image on the CT data of the patient. From this new mask image an adjusted visualization of the patient model can be created, which will replace the original patient model.


     In the Erase Bone Artifacts action, the CT data shown corresponds to the originally selected VOI that was used to create the patient model.

     Use the Focus action to move to the position where artifacts need to be removed.

Start the Erase Bone Artifacts action

To start the Erase Bone Artifacts action, click Erase Bone Artifacts in the Patient Editor group on the Patient tab of the Planning module.

How to work with the Erase Bone Artifacts action is explained in the following sections.

Where do you want to go?

Erase artifacts 

Mark bone 

Difference between smart and simple tools 

Reset patient mask 

Tool settings