Upon review of the perpendicular reslice if the annotated teeth will be placed too low or too high, revert to the Reslice curve action and re-adjust the position of the axial reslice by dragging the orange dotted line to the correct position. The axial reslice should converge more or less with the occlusal plane.
To annotate a tooth:
1. Click Tooth in the Annotation group on the Diagnose tab.
2. The Annotate Tooth action is started.
3. Select the tooth to be annotate in the chart at the top. When hovering over a tooth image, it will become highlighted. Click the image to select it.
The FDI notation is used here by default for this function. To change the dental notation chart, go to the Preferences section.
4. The perpendicular window will be placed approximately in the selected tooth position.
5. Fine-tune the position of the perpendicular window to adjust the central axis of the tooth.
6. To start marking the tooth, refer to the Marking teeth section.
It is possible to annotate teeth in both the upper and lower jaw. Select the appropriate jaw from the drop-down list in the right upper corner. The tooth annotation chart is updated accordingly.
7. Click Update 3D in the Create Tooth group or use the keyboard shortcut [U]. The annotated tooth is shown in the 3D viewer. The outline is also shown in 2D.
Toggle the visibility of the cross-sectional reslice and the patient model in the 3D viewer using the Show toggle icons in the bottom-right corner of the 3D viewer.
8. When all teeth are annotated, click Finish.
Adjust the central axis of a tooth
To adjust an annotated tooth:
1. Right-click the tooth and select Edit Tooth on the pop-up menu.
2. The Annotate Tooth action opens. The tooth to be edited is selected.
3. Make the adjustments according to the principles explained in the Tooth Annotation section.
4. Click Update 3D [U].
5. Click Finish.
Teeth can no longer be edited when the treatment plan is approved.