Surgery types

Depending on the selected products used in the planning, a different surgical approach may be needed. Therefore, different surgery types are available.

Freehand: no surgical template (no guided sleeve) will be used to place this implant.

Fully Guided: a surgical template with a fully-guided sleeve (enabling guided drilling and guided implant insertion) will be used to transfer this planned implant’s position into the patient’s mouth.

Pilot drilling (for NobelGuide 1.5 and 2.0 mm twist drills only): a surgical template with a pilot sleeve (guided pilot drilling only) will be used to transfer the planned implant positions into the patient’s mouth. After using this initial pilot drill, the surgical template is removed, the guided drilled depth is recorded by direction indicator or freehand twist drill in relation to an anatomic landmark (e.g. bone crest), and the freehand drilling procedure is initiated, followed by freehand implant insertion (all depths of freehand tools according to defined anatomical landmark after template removal). Depending on the implant diameter, a different pilot sleeve diameter can be selected.


Each product has a default surgery type defined in the product catalog. When selecting a different product, the selected surgery type will remain selected for the new product, unless the type is not applicable for that product. In that case, the new product's default surgery type is set as defined in the product catalog.