The Upload Center is a tool to monitor the ongoing traffic when uploading files to or downloading files from the NobelConnect® server. The Upload Center is accessible via any module in DTX Studio™ Implant.
Any queued upload or download will start the moment the software is started, even when no specific user is logged in. The up and/or downloads continue as long as the software stays open.
In the right-bottom corner of the DTX Studio™ Implant screen an icon will appear to indicate whether you are online or not:
online |
offline |
files are being transferred |
To open the Upload Center, click Upload Center next to the Online/Offline icon.
The Upload Center dialog shows the files which are currently being copied to or from the NobelConnect® server. The active files are on top, the queued files appear at the bottom of the list.
Click Close to close the window again.
Within the Upload Center the items are sorted based on their priority. In general, the following priority rules are applied:
— Orders have a high priority.
— Viewer files and Communicator presentations have a medium priority.
— Patient uploads have a low priority.
— Products have a medium priority.
— Software updates have a low priority.