Open an online patient file

To open the medical record of a patient which is stored online on NobelConnect:

1.       Filter the patient list by clicking My Patients or Placed Online .

2.     Double-click a patient file which is marked with a Placed Online icon . Alternatively, select a patient file which is marked with a Placed Online icon and click Open  in the toolbar.

3.     The patient file is opened, showing the Medical Record dialog, the gateway to the different modules in DTX Studio™ Implant.


     When the selected online patient file is already opened at a different location, a warning message shows. It is impossible to open the patient file before the file is closed on the other computer.

     When the patient to be opened was made with a DTX Studio™ Implant version newer than the version available on your computer, a warning message is displayed, informing you that a software update is needed.