Open a practice patient file


This is only possible in the Practice setup.

To open the medical record of a patient which is stored on the network folder (Team folder) at the practice:

1.       Click one of the items in the Patients group on the My Office menu bar to filter the list of patients. Choose between:

     All Patients 01_Patients_16x16.png

     My Patients

     Shared with Practice

2.     Double-click a patient file which is marked with a Shared with Practice icon . Alternatively, select one of the patient files which is marked with a Shared with Practice icon and click Open  in the toolbar.

3.     The patient file is opened, showing the Medical Record dialog, the gateway to the different modules in DTX Studio™ Implant.


     When the selected patient file is already opened by another team member, a warning message is shown. If you proceed with opening the file, the other team member will not be able to save their changes.

     When the patient file to be opened was made with a DTX Studio™ Implant version newer than the version available on your computer, a warning message is displayed, informing you that a software update is needed.