The module menu

DTX Studio™ Implant includes different modules which we deal with briefly in the next few paragraphs. To switch between the different modules, click the respective icons in the module.

From top to bottom you can distinguish the following icons, granting access to the respective modules:

Home / My office module

The My Office module is shown by default when DTX Studio™ Implant is started. It lists the patients available in the system. This module allows for more simplified patient management and an overview of the orders. Another important item in the My Office module is the ability to create and manage scanner calibration sets.

Planning module

The Planning module allows for the creation of the patient model and guide, annotation of teeth and nerve positions, diagnostic analysis, site determination of where implants and anchor pins need to be placed, and surgical template preview.

Patient information module

Edit a patient’s personal and contact information in the Patient Information module. Import pictures and save them into the Patient Library. The pictures can be rotated and annotated. These pictures are automatically saved in the Patient Library and can be visualized in the Planning module.

Order module

Order available planning-related Nobel Biocare products in the Order module. In addition to the items or objects in the treatment plan, a scan of the dental cast and, optionally, a prosthetic setup or wax-up may be ordered, as well as suggested tooling related to the products in the treatment.

Discuss module

The Discuss module allows the communication of a treatment plan. Share a digital patient file with a selected colleague.

Create a read-only viewer version of a planning which can be viewed on another computer and communicate it using e-mail, even when no DTX Studio™ Implant license is available at the correspondent’s site.

Generate reports with information about the patient, the treatment, the scanner used, the planning warnings, and products used, as well as images of the surgical plan and orders linked to the treatment plan. Export these reports to save them as pdf files, print or send by e-mail.

Create Communicator presentations to showcase a dental treatment to patients and colleagues and make the presentations available via NobelConnect®.

Turn the 3D treatment plan into an OsseoCare™ Pro or X-Guide™ surgical plan and use it in the corresponding app or system.