Prior to finalizing a treatment plan, check for a number of issues which might prevent the surgical template from being created correctly.
1. Check the anchor pins. Make sure the cylinders are not penetrating the radiographic guide and/or the dental scan unnecessarily, to prevent grinding or modification, when possible.
2. Check the angulation between implants and discuss among the team whether the angulation does not question the prosthetic treatment.
3. Check the guided sleeves in relation to neighboring teeth.
— Make sure the sleeve does not touch the neighboring teeth.
— Check the 3D scene to determine if the surgical template touches the neighboring teeth, or not. If so, the template needs further processing in the dental lab.
4. Check each implant in the perpendicular reslice as well as in the 3D scene and compare the results to optimize the planning placement.
5. Make sure there are no breaches or holes in the support structures of the surgical template surrounding the sleeves of the implants or anchor pins.
Communicate the treatment plan to the team to check all aspects.