OsseoCare™ Pro surgical plan details

When selecting an OsseoCare™ Pro surgical plan in the Communication Items list, its details are displayed in the right pane.

General surgery information

The details mentioned in this section concern the surgery as it was planned in DTX Studio™ Implant. Its status, date of creation, the date the surgery is planned on, the type of surgery (guided or freehand) and the optionally added note are shown here.

OsseoCare™ Pro information

In this section the details of the actual surgical plan from the OsseoCare™ Pro app are shown. The status of the surgical plan is shown (planned, started, or finished), as well as the date and time it was last saved, and whether or not a report is available.

Planning information

This section shows the details of the treatment plan the surgical plan was created for. Patient, treatment, and planning name are displayed here, as well as the date and time the treatment plan was last saved.