
In various cases a read-only version of a treatment plan which can be opened on any computer, even when no DTX Studio™ Implant license is available on this machine, can be useful. This read-only file is opened in the DTX Studio™ Implant Viewer application.

In other cases it is more appropriate to have a report (printed or online) of the planning scenario, in combination with more general information on the patient, possible warnings, products used in the treatment plan, etc.

The Discuss module allows for the creation of reports and read-only viewer files on the other hand. Viewers and reports are displayed in a single list, which can be filtered to exclusively display the viewers or the reports. Viewer files and reports are indicated with Viewer icons , reports with the Report icons respectively, and communicator presentations are indicated with  Communicator presentation icons .

In this section

Communication toolbar

Work with Viewer files

Work with reports

Work with iPad presentations

Work with OsseoCare™ Pro surgical plans

Work with X-Guide™ surgical plans

NobelConnect communication cases